Monday 14 December 2015

Sorry for the inactivity! / Christmas Event 2015

Hello mice !!
I just wanted to say sorry for the inactivity =.=
I've been really busy with school and stuff lately but now I'm done for the year,
I think I'll be a little more active on the blog. :)

Anyway, the christmas event is here!
If you want to know more about it please check out my video!

As a short summary of the event the main goal is to collect presents on the new Ski Resort map for titles, badges and the new "cartouche" (the picture behind your shaman level) you have 3 to collect and you can view them from your profile :)

Also you can get green presents by trading red for red present. 
The event will be on for about a month. 

The titles are also listed in my video you can watch, also some of the new items and such.
I hope that can help you enough, if you have any questions just shoot a comment and I'll be sure to help you! :) 

Merry Christmas ^^

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