
Hello !!!

Here is a page about the shamans in Transformice.

I will teach you how to be one.

What is a shaman

See that big one in the middle thats a shaman,
Here I am as a shaman.

What do shamans do?
Shamans help other mice get to the cheese on that part of the map sometimes it can be really hard and one mouse can't do it all on its own.
See here is the stuff the shaman can use you look down right bottom corner and you will see objects you click on them to use them.

How to use shaman items properly
Sometimes being a shaman isn't that easy so you need to learn how to use some items correctly.
See how I made this box go here so I can get to the cheese on top,
I clicked the box then held the box in the area I want it.

Now I have the cheese !
But now I came to a pond and if you go in one with cheese on your back you will sink to the bottom I will show you an easy way to get across.
Click the plank and then press the button on your keyboard "B" to put a red nail on it.
You can also press "Space" to make it transparent and "V" to make it green and "C" to make it yellow.
With the balloons you can press the "C" or "V" to tie it to the mouse.
Now I can get across the pond :D

Take the cheese into the mouse once once you've approached the hole,
There are more items to a shaman but see if you can explore more.
Have fun !

(This post was from my older tfm blog)